
Thursday, May 08, 2003


OK, so there have been no finds of weapons of mass destruction as yet. They found some barrels with nothing in them, some old missile casings just before the war (with nothing in them), and now a trailer that may have been one of these mobile labs…but they can't prove it. They also can’t prove that there ever were such mobile labs, the first we ever heard of them seems to have been in February and Colin Powell’s “irrefutable” evidence speech to the U.N. as a method of excusing the fact that they’d not found any such labs at all. Or any weapons for that matter. Or components of weapons. Why?

“Well, uh, y’know, they were movin’ ‘n stuff, kinda like KIT into th’ back of that big truck in Knight Rider”

The US is now sending 2,100 inspectors into Iraq to find the WMDs.

Bush is confident that weapons will be found

Blair thinks us doubters will eat our words

Air Marshall Brian Burridge, commander of the UK forces in Iraq has “no doubt” that WMDs will be found, stating that the public are only skeptical as we’re not privy to the same information as him.

General Tommy Franks, on the other hand, is confident that “at one point [the WMDs] did exist, but Saddam Hussein disposed of them before he left”

Confidence is not sending 2,100 U.S. inspectors into Iraq serving the aims only of the US and UK. That’s like amassing all of your best arguments, every witty comeback and cogent counter punch you can muster. And then debating yourself.

What they are is not confident they will find them. What they are is afraid that they won’t.
